About us

Seven thousand years ago, Persian goldsmiths made masterpieces - symbols of wealth and respect. Today, our team of artisans continues in this tradition. They handcraft jewellery in 18K gold, and design each piece with dedication. The richness of Persian culture and women's grace throughout the ages inspires La'al. We preserve and celebrate our heritage through unique designs using precious materials.

The history of Persian jewellery is deep and extraordinary. The Persian empire was one of the first to make jewellery from precious stones and metals. It started as early as 1000 B.C. The world's oldest pearl necklace, which is now housed in the Louvre, was worn by a Persian princess.

The Persians loved their gold and silver. But they also had a passion for gems. Especially rubies, emeralds, sapphires, diamonds, pearls and coral. For royalty, wearing pieces such as gold crowns studded with jewels was a mark of status.

Persian jewellers crafted extravagant pieces that were as delicate as they were valuable. During the centuries, their designs evolved from simple to more intricate. But the artisans' perspective on craftsmanship did not change. As a result, their work has influenced jewellery worldwide.

Women were prominent in ancient Persia. They had civil and maternity rights, received equal wages, and could work part-time. In art, we can see royal women depicted as identical to men with similar clothes, hairstyles, and poses. This shows women enjoyed many of the same rights and privileges.

Persian women loved jewellery and gemstones like diamonds, sapphires and emeralds. Wealthy women wore gold jewellery with engravings of animals, mythological creatures and plants. Mothers often handed down these intricate pieces to daughters for their high value.

We know that precious stones and fine jewellery have magical powers. We're proud to say that our mission is to inspire women with pieces rooted in Iranian heritage. We are creating a community. A community for everyone to share and learn about Persian culture, heritage, and ideas.